The Church of England’s Half Measure on LGBTQ+ Inclusion isn’t Enough

The stakes on LGBTQ+ marriage are much bigger than church politics. Will Christians be consumed with our own inner fights and technicalities, or will we be bold for God’s love? Does the church serve itself, or serve the world in Christ’s name?

No One Gets to the Promised Land Alone

As we remember Dr. King this weekend, I have one question for you: “where is your village?” If we are to continue the work of Civil Rights, of human rights, if we are to seek to follow Jesus, I think it would benefit us all to ask, “where is your village?” Because, no one, not Moses, not Jesus, not Dr. King gets to the promised land alone.

St Francis and Spirituality For The Ecological Crisis

On St. Francis Day 2022, I preached a sermon looking at the ecological crisis. In order to overcome this moment, we will need prayer and a deeper and broader sense of what Spirituality means.

Healthy Fear

If all your fear is doing is shutting you down, if all your fear is doing is making you numb, if all your fear is doing is causing you to buy more insurance for your house, or click “purchase” for survival supplies online then your fear isn’t the fear of God. The fear of God calls us away from all our false fears, that we don’t have enough, that we aren’t enough. The fear of God makes us free to act, free to care for one another.