How do you keep your heart open?

You and I will probably never live to see a permanent peace between Muslim, Jew, and Christian. We might not live to see peace among our siblings. But we can catch glimpses of the world as it could be. We simply need to practice keeping our hearts open.

What happened at the Primates Meeting?

On paper, it may look like the Communion is made up by a series of agreements about meeting together. In fact, we are tied together by common prayer. You can huff and you can puff, but you’re going to have a really hard time blowing that house down. We are in deeper communion than any single meeting could ever undo.

St. Francis and the Blessing of Animals

A sermon for the Feast of St. Francis preached at Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis, MO. Francis of Assisi helped my family to gauge the depth of the snow. At my parents’ house in Colorado, a concrete statue of Francis with birds on his shoulder stands in the view of our big window seat. WhenContinueContinue reading “St. Francis and the Blessing of Animals”

Surely God is in the place, and I didn’t realize. Sermon from July 17, 2011

Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place—and I did not know it!” Jacob’s story today is a claim of sacred geography.  “Surely God is in this place.”  The claim is surprising.  God is in the “place,” the “holy place,” of people of Haran, not followers of theContinueContinue reading “Surely God is in the place, and I didn’t realize. Sermon from July 17, 2011”