Wasting Time on Love

Today is not one of the usual sermons about learning to be less of a Martha and more of a Mary. Instead I want to sit with the word our Gospel uses describe Martha of Bethany “distracted.” How well does that word describe so many of us?

Our thoughts and God’s thoughts

there is a certain freedom to be found when we are willing to let go of our flailing attempts to control our circumstances. When we stop trying to think our way out of our own discomfort, we might just find the mental space to notice one another. Christ wants us to find our lives as we seek to lighten the load of others: our spouse, our child, our parent, our neighbor. If we practice letting go, we might even get quiet enough to hear the thoughts of God.

Prophetic Words Tell Difficult Truths

https://youtu.be/G7EXAtWMHxc God of the Exiles, when we find ourselves in strange times, in strange lands, remember us. Help us to sing your songs. Amen There’s an old spiritual that comes from an old psalm. The words and music set the stage for today’s reading from Jeremiah well. I’m sure you know it: “By the watersContinueContinue reading “Prophetic Words Tell Difficult Truths”