
Mike Angell is a priest and rector of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Albuquerque . A doctoral student in Christian Spirituality at the Virginia Theological Seminary, he also serves on the board of Cristosal, a human rights organization in Central America.


Nondual Christianity

To understand the Ascension, you have to know that much of the Christian tradition is about wisdom, rather than knowledge. The wisdom at the heart of Christianity is a teaching about nondualism.

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What does it mean to abide?

What does it mean to abide? What if we found ways in these anxious times, in these times when so many of us are just “hanging on,” to, instead, “hang in” there together? What if we chose, instead of grievance, curiosity and embrace?

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Good Shepherds and Atheists

The image of the shepherd is a radical one, radically different from the image of God so often on offer. If you struggle with the image of “God” on offer in our society, with the idea of “God” so many Christians point to in this country, this morning our Scripture offers the Good Shepherd, a…

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Our Risen and Wounded Savior

How many of us spend time and energy hiding our imperfections? How much money and anxiety do we spend masking our bodies, trying to conform to some image of perfection? Jesus is risen with wounds, that we might know in our woundedness, we too will rise. Alleluia.

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We Wish to See Jesus

Can we quiet the busyness, the chaotic din of our days name the desire for ourselves? Do we have the boldness to ask in our prayers, in our work for justice, and every time we come to this altar: “we wish to see Jesus?”

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How Can I Live Peacefully with Justice?

is part of the “Little Books of Guidance” series from Church Publishing. Mike talks frankly about questions of race, identity, justice, and faith.
(Read a review by the poet Robert Lowes)

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